Tuesday, April 05, 2016

April 2016...what a surprise, I'm still here

When I first started this blog way back in 2006 I subtitled it 'An infrequently updated online photo diary'. I didn't realise how infrequent that would actually turn out to be. With my most recent post being way back September 2011 I thought it would long since have disappeared. I was a bit surprised to find that after all these years it's still here. I was further surprised to discover that my even older Direct Net Access website is still there. They were swallowed up by UTV Internet years ago but the website is still lurking on the interwebs. So what have I been doing for the last 10 years? In the intervening period I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes which I'm fully controlling with diet and excercise. I've also had colon cancer in the last year. An operation in October 2015 and ongoing chemotherapy should see and end to that. What next then? Well, you know what, I have loads of time on my hands  and it will be at least another couple of months before I will be allowed to return to work so I've had the bright idea of starting to update this blog once again. I'm still taking lots of photos and I'll post a few of them here. So that's it...the blog is here, feel free to read it if you like.

Today. Broad beans, strawberries and peas springing to life after the winter

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