Almost without exception, none of the muppets we have currently 'working' for us in Stormont are any use at, or for, anything at all [nor indeed are any of our local councillors in North Down come to think of it]. But 'you voted them in' I hear you say. Unfortunately that is true but as usual we can only vote for the same old faces. My vote will go to whoever takes the time to call at my door and explain their point of view to me. So far none of them have bothered, though I have enough of their leaflets to fill my blue recycling bin. I'd like to vote for one of the 'new' faces that are appearing but they too seem content just to shove a leaflet in my letter box, though one or two of them seem to at least have some fresh ideas. Anyway, I have an idea! Maybe we should get the chance to vote for who we
don't want in, rather than who we
do - that'd shake a few of them up